(Book) The Personal MBA – Josh Kaufman

Kurt.nzBooks read, Business, career, finance, Personal development

The Personal MBA - Josh Kaufman

The Personal MBA is a great overview of everything related to business. Josh explains concepts in such a way that anyone can understand them. Yet he goes into enough detail for everyone to come away with actionable points. I literally sat there with the book in one hand and my notebook in the other, creating action plans for the couple of businesses that I’m involved in. Here are my notes: Business is made of 5 things. It (1) provides something of value that (2) other people want or need (3) at a price they’re willing to pay, in a way that (4) satisfies the purchasers needs and expectations and (5) provides the business sufficient revenue to make it worthwhile for the owner to continue operation. Sales Starts with trust. No trust, no sale. Value based selling. What is it worth to … Read More

Three ways small businesses are vulnerable (and how to make your business resilient)

Kurt.nzBusiness, career, finance

It’s heart wrenching to see so many small businesses having to close their doors for good. Owning a small business is like having a baby. Sleepless nights, lots of hard work, plenty of trials. But ultimately a sense of pride in watching it grow and develop. So to see it all disappear is a real sense of loss. From what I’ve seen and the people I’ve spoken to, there are three ways small companies are going out of business over this time. Over the years I’ve closed businesses for each of these reasons. The cause is simple and very clear. Lack of revenue. Starve a business of its lifeblood and eventually it’ll die, some quicker than others. But some are particularly vulnerable, like the companies below. The first example business is doing OK before the COVID-19 lockdown, but now the … Read More

(Book) Growing great families – Ian & Mary Grant

Kurt.nzBooks read, Lifestyle, family, community


A well-researched book on growing great families that pulls no punches. It puts the onus squarely back on the parents whilst giving lots of tips. If you read this there’ll be plenty of notes to take and actions to implement once you finish!   1. What is a community? Focus on the need for connection and community – found in a family. Not an individualistic focus. It’s a very secure thing for a child to be born into a family which already stands for something, has values, principals, goals and leadership. It takes a village to raise a child. Truth and love are the bricks and mortar of community. We were designed for connection and belonging. To be part of a team. Make your family a team, able to rely on each other. We bond to things we invest in. … Read More