Top 8 TIPS for EUROPE with KIDS


Europe is amazing. For anyone from a younger country such as the USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, the history in Europe is mind-boggling. But it’s also different to what we’re used to, in many ways.

Here are our top tips for traveling Europe with children.

  1. Expose them to the different languages but don’t try to force them to speak it. It’s best when they hear you speaking a few words, or when they hear it spoken on a playground. They’ll naturally start to pick words up, you don’t need to force it.
  2. Look for playgrounds and outdoor spaces wherever you go. Everything is more compact in Europe and playgrounds aren’t in obvious places, sometimes you have to seek them out.
  3. Some cultures adore kids, some don’t. Don’t expect everyone to be happy that you’ve taken your kids to a restaurant or cultural site. Be respectful, but enjoy it when they do like kids. Hint: Italians will love your children.
  4. Use your kids as icebreakers. This is a great way to chat to locals with kids, especially at playgrounds.
  5. Give them some books or TV shows on Europe, it’ll pique their interest and they’ll remember more.
  6. Take it slow! I say this in almost every post I write, but it’s true. Especially with kids. The slower you go, the more you’ll get out of it.
  7. No matter where you go, you’ll be walking more than you expected. Be ready and have the right shoes.
  8. Always carry food an water on you. Always!

Europe is there, go and enjoy it!

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I wrote a book on how to travel with kids: